What is road rage? Road rage is an incidence of violence perpetrated by road users, stemming from differences that arise in the course of the shared use of roads. Such differences may involve aggressive and ungracious acts of driving such as honking,...
Outrage of Modesty – Sec 354 Penal Code Singapore – Representations
Outrage of modesty (more commonly known as molestation) cases are fairly common in Singapore, and are widely reported in the media, especially on Stomp. In August 2018, it was reported in the Straits Times that the number of molestation cases was on the rise....
How Your Lawyer May Prevent Any Charges From Being Filed Against You – Pre-mention Representations, Penal Code, Singapore.
On 25 November 2017, The Straits Times reported “Couple caught tossing oBikes into drain turn themselves in to police”. The act gained publicity when a video of the act went viral and appeared in various websites, YouTube and Stomp. After turning themselves in, they...
Protection From Harassment Act (POHA) – Harassment, Doxxing and Protection Order
What the act covers? PROTECTION FROM HARASSMENT ACT (POHA) covers protection from harassment,doxxing, alarm or distress suffered, fear or provocation of violence, unlawful stalking and false statements of fact. Examples taken from Sec 3 Protection from Harassment Act:...
Sec 468 Penal Code Singapore – Forgery for the Purpose of Cheating
If a person who makes any false document or electronic record with the intention to cheat, it may be a crime. Examples of this are highlighted in the Singapore Police Force Website. As reported in The Straits Times on 23 February 2018, our client was charged...
Outrage of Modesty, Sec 354 Penal Code Singapore – How Your Lawyer May Prevent Any Charges From Being Filed Against You – Pre-mention Representations
Our client was charged by the police for an Outrage of Modesty offence under Section 354 of the Penal Code. He came to see us shortly after being charged. We got our heads down and swiftly drafted pre-mention representations to the police and Attorney General’s...
Road Traffic Offence – Sec 336, 337,338 & 304A of the Penal Code, Singapore
Allan (not his real name) sought our advice on a criminal matter. He was facing one charge under Section 338 (b) of the Penal Code for causing grievous hurt by an act which endangers life or the personal safety of others. The charge entailed, amongst others, the...
How Your Lawyer May Prevent Any Charges From Being Filed Against You
A Case Study - Pre–Mention Representations - Sec 380 Penal Code Our client was going to be charged in court under Section 380 of the Penal Code (Cap. 224) for theft. Her family consulted us before she was going to be charged in court. We quickly went to work before...
Public Nuisance Sec 268 Penal Code
If you create nuisance in public you may be guilty of an offence. According to Sec 268 of the Penal Code: "A person is guilty of a public nuisance, who does any act, or is guilty of an illegal omission, which causes any common injury, danger or annoyance to the...
Assault Sec 323 Penal Code. Community Based Sentencing – Short Detention Order
Assault Sec 323 Penal Code. Community-Based Sentencing - Short Detention Order. Mitigation from Criminal Lawyer Singapore. As reported in The Straits Times on 30 June 2016, our client was charged with assault under Sec 323 of the Penal Code. The victim had suffered a...