As reported in Singapore Law Watch, in the case of Lin Lifen v Public Prosecutor [2015] SGHC 273, the accused was charged for Immigration offence. According to the report, she gave a false statement supported by the use of forged documents in the application in her...
Cycling on Pavement? Beware!
As reported in the The New Paper a "hit-and-run" cyclist who in the first instance (State Court of Singapore) was sentenced to 8 weeks in jail, had his sentence reduced to 3 weeks upon appeal in the High Court. The High Court judge made the following observations...
The certificate that will save a drug trafficker’s life – 33B(2)(b) of the MDA
The Court of Appeal of Singapore in Muhammad Ridzuan bin Mohd Ali v Attorney-General [2015] SGCA 53 considered the submissions against the decision by the Public Prosecutor not to grant the appellant, Muhammad Ridzuan bin Mohd Ali (“the Appellant”), a certificate of...
Probation Under sec 5(1) of the Probation of Offenders Act, the Court may sentence an accused to probation instead of a jail sentence. The main benefit and effect of probation are that the accused person does not get a criminal record. Sentence Fixed by Law...