As reported by Channel News Asia on 22 February 2022, our client was charged with cheating and dishonestly inducing a delivery of property under Sec 420 of the Penal Code (Cap. 224, 2008 Rev Ed). He could have been jailed for up to 10 years and fined. Our client was...
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Assault Sec 323 Penal Code. Community Based Sentencing – Short Detention Order
Assault Sec 323 Penal Code. Community-Based Sentencing - Short Detention Order. Mitigation from Criminal Lawyer Singapore. As reported in The Straits Times on 30 June 2016, our client was charged with assault under Sec 323 of the Penal Code. The victim had suffered a...
Probation Under sec 5(1) of the Probation of Offenders Act, the Court may sentence an accused to probation instead of a jail sentence. The main benefit and effect of probation are that the accused person does not get a criminal record. Sentence Fixed by Law...